Provision for Pupils with Disabilities
Hempstead Schools Federation is a fully inclusive organisation and welcomes all pupils regardless of ability both physical and learning, gender or cultural background. We endeavour to ensure that all pupils have equal access to all aspects of school life including the curriculum, sports, out of school learning, educational visits and lunchtime and playtime arrangements. The school is committed to providing full access to the curriculum, improving the physical environment as far as is reasonable and improving the delivery of written information for parents and carers so that any disabled pupil can fully participate in every aspect of the school.
Please click here to view our Accessibility Plan
If you wish to enquire about the admission of a child with disabilities, then please make an appointment with Mrs Emma Taylor (SENDCo) via either school office. Mrs Taylor works in the Junior School on Mondays and Fridays, and the Infants on Wednesdays and Thursdays.